This is beneficial because all diesel lift pumps perform better as “Pusher” pump and when under pressure the motor doesn’t need to work as hard to supply the fuel demanded by the injection system. I have 300k on my 2012 and run a tuner and unless you want to go all out and put bigger injectors and turbo for more than 700hp the 100 gal per hour should do fine.
To help the DRP series lift pump perform to its top potential we have designed a optional pump relocation upgrade kit that will move the lift pump closer to the fuel tank, reducing the distance the lift pump needs to pull fuel from and instead places fuel under pressure to push diesel to the engine. The best reason for my install was my LML has a cp4 and the lift pump takes the pressure off of it so it will last longer. Simple to install, the DRP series pump can be installed by any novice mechanic and installs onto the vehicles frame with the supplied bracket, making it the easiest installation of any aftermarket diesel lift pump. The DRP lift pump’s larger motor is strong enough to help supply your diesel truck with a consistent fuel pressure required by your CP3 Injection Pump to produce efficiency and horsepower. The reason we call it the 'not so direct' DDRP is because the DDRP-04 does not.

The DRP-04 provides 80 GPH of fuel at 18-20 psi.

The DRP-04 gives you the dependability of FASS products without the cost of a complete fuel system. The FASS Direct Replacement Pump is a complete replacement diesel fuel left pump for your Dodge Cummins 24V Common Rail diesel engine and is designed to eliminate the common issues found in factory lift pumps that are known for their costly repairs. The FASS DRP-04 for the 03-04.5 Dodge Turbo Diesel trucks should be described as a 'not so direct' replacement pump. FASS Direct Replacement Diesel Fuel Pump | 03-04 Dodge 5.9L Cummins